What Should Danny Do? | Kids Book Review

What Should Danny Do? is an interactive book for kids that empowers them with the understanding that their choices will shape their days, and ultimately their lives. The book follows Danny, a Superhero-in-Training, through his day as he encounters choices that he faces on a daily basis. Based on the choices the kids make, the book has 9 stories. This kids book review video reviews the three available books in the series (e.g., What Should Danny Do?, What Should Danny Do On Vacation? What Should Danny Do At School?.

What Should Danny Do? @ Amazon https://amzn.com/What-Should-Danny-Power-Choose/dp/069284838X

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Have You Seen My Dinosaur? | Kids Book Review

Have You Seen My Dinosaur is a beginners book with a funny story and lots of colorful illustration. Lets read how to find a missing dinosaur who’s large and green and likes to roar? It is surprisingly difficult to track down a little boy’s dinosaur when he decides to play hide-and-seek.

Have You Seen My Dinosaur @ Amazon https://amzn.com/Have-Seen-Dinosaur-Beginner-Books/dp/0375856390

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